Sunday, May 31, 2009

Jake Fastet, Political Science major on the run

Jake Fastet, pronounced fast, isn't comfortable with labels. Asked to define himself, he would look at you, eyes trembling with social anxiety, but an answer, no. There is no answer because Jake is unable to accept any label or common political identifier, still bearing scars from the last one; when in a fit of piqued youth, he accepted the notion that he was a conservative. His personal mental confusion continues ever onward in hopes of once again reaching that heavenly plateau that we call sanity.

Our hero wasn't always caught up in mystical adventures, and magical lands, he was simply a guy hard at work, and partying hard. Regrettably, he discovered it wasn't enough to work, take a class or two, party every night, and expect to get somewhere in life. He had to go away, and make something of himself.

If these normal banalities weren't enough to put a hustle in Jake's step, there was Angel Del Mara. Having crossed his former best friend, and her posse of inebriated hitmen, Jake is even more determined to get out of Chicago, and hide in a nice quiet college town.

Unfortunately for Jake, college towns aren't known for peace and quiet, but it's the thought that counts. Against his best intention, or because of them, Jake earns the notoriety that comes with unconventional political thought. Before the crowds can pitchfork him to death, he may discover there is more going on than his pathetic attempt at life. There is Vasili and Ozma, both finding themselves in the vicinity of Jake's small college town, and racing to beat the other to him.

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